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community outreach / data analysis and synthesis / graphic design

Location / Hoboken, NJ

Client / City of Hoboken

Status / Completed

Awards / New Jersey Future Smart Growth Award 2019

Collaborators / BFJ Planning / Urbanomics

MUD Workshop worked with BFJ Planning to develop the 2018 Master Plan Reexamination Report and Land Use Element for the City of Hoboken. The plan reevaluated and expanded on initiatives from the 2004 Master Plan and 2010 Reexamination Report, additionally focusing on recent trends in population and development growth, and issues in flood mitigation, giving way to over two-hundred recommendations.

The Master Plan consolidated volumes of recommendations into five primary identities which reflect the City’s character and community vision for the coming years. Hoboken is: A Complete Neighborhood, Shared Prosperity, A City of Connected Places, Living Sustainably, and an Engaged and Efficient Partner reflect current priorities and guide structured growth with improvements to transportation, zoning, and resiliency, while preserving special historic and cultural assets.


The Master Plan was honored at the New Jersey Future Smart Growth Awards 2019.

Metropolitan Urban Design Workshop LLC | 58 Maspeth Avenue, #4D, Brooklyn, NY 11211 | 732.299.9218 | | All Rights Reserved © 2019 MUD Workshop (est. 2014)

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